Huldrika's House
Late summer last year (2020), Rohan housing was introduced. It was a long time in coming, since there have been many decoration items that you could collect with a Rohan theme. There are the rebuilding Hytbold quests where you can earn tokens to exchange for Rohan themed furniture, the Riders of Rohan reputation quests where you can collect polished marbles and exquisite wood-carvings in Far AnĂ³rien to exchange for items, and you can do the Heroes of Limlight Gorge reputation quests to gather tokens to exchange for some items. (The Far AnĂ³rien quests are difficult and don't drop many tokens so if you have to be patient to do them, and the Limlight Gorge quests are better done with other players, or wait until you are above the level to get them.)
I like the look of these much better than the Gondor houses which are far too cathedral-like to be homely. The Rohan housing is quite big and has lots of slots, but they are more homely in comparison. Aesthetically, I do prefer the regular housing that was introduced very early on in the game, but you can only have one of those for each account on each server, which makes it quite cramped if you have multiple characters on a server, so I am glad that Rohan housing was introduced. I did have a couple of Gondor houses, but as I wasn't able to get into the game for a long time, they were close to expiring because I wasn't able to pay upkeep for them, so I sold them and bought a Rohan house instead. (There is a mead hall which you can get, but I've not got one yet.)
I decided to use my Beorning character, Huldrika to purchase the house as I have collected quite a lot of animal themed deocrations and you can display your cosmetic mounts at your Rohan house. In the Hobbit, Beorn the Shape-changer's hall is filled with animals of many types so it seemed fitting that Huldrika should own this house if I was going to fill it with animals.
There is a very large yard or garden that comes with this homestead, a big house with a basement (you don't get that with the other housing) and upstairs, and a stable with an upstairs area.