On this page are various prayers, poems, verses and invocations to or about Nehalennia that I have come across and wanted to preserve, with credit.
Nehalennia, Guide of Souls:
Nehalennia as a guide of souls
Nehalennia, you guard the freight, you take care that everything arrives safely its destination.
Mostly the load consists of diverse goods, but sometimes it is souls that are on their way to their chosen afterlife.
You guide them safely over the waves, through the veils and over the rainbowbridge, until they reach the other side
and claim their appropriate place, be it in the underworld, on the isles in the west or some heavenly realm.
It is you that we welcome as our ferrywoman.
Even if we don‘t need your services personally,
we honor you as the guide and companion of the dead.
In the Churning Waves:
In the churning waves I hear Her voice.
Her wind plays with my locks,
Her silten blessing touches my lips.
Daea Nehalennia.
She who faces the storm and flows from it, stronger
She who shows us the way and guards our journey
She whose rage causes ships to perish
She whose tender embrace brings us peace and joy
Lady Nehalennia,
Power of the North Sea
Hear me!
For I am your daughter
Your salted water flows through my veins
Your storm rages through my body
Your strength and dept I inherited
Mother Nehalennia
Heart of the North Sea
Be with me!
Divine Lady: (Bela Síol)
The Bela Síol prayers, poems and invocations I found on her facebook page, which I've linked to at the bottom of this verse.
Nehalennia, divine lady,
Be my life a boat sailing under your mantle of protection.
Grant me strength, to hold the oars and to continue the journey.
May the storms never take from me the pleasure of traveling.
Grant me the blessings to access my inner treasures, and fulfill my soul.
Under Nehalennia's mantle: (Bela Síol)
Under Nehalennia's mantle
My boat goes to the infinite,
On my hands, the rudder and the destiny.
My boat under her mantle,
Navigates confident in the ocean.
I never fear the churning sea,
Because under her mantle,
Wisdom sweeps out the castles of illusion,
And reveals my strength and power.
On Nehalennia’s dwelling,
I access the hidden treasures,
Kept in a chest of profound mysteries.
I am Your Child: (Bela Síol)
I am your child,
Barefoot on the sand,
Free hair on a dance.
I feel the sun on my skin,
And the breezes kissing my face.
I step on the calm waves.
It is at the shore that I trace your magic,
It is on the beach that I invoke your presence.
In the infinite sea of abundance,
I put the boat of my life to sail,
It's your hands holding the rudder,
It is your wisdom showing direction.
You lead me to the island of dreams,
The sacred grove of fulfillment,
Where I taste your sweet fruits,
And I reverence you in gratitude.
Hail Nehalennia!
Storm Inside Me: (Bela Síol)
Storm inside me
My tears roll down,
Washing my face.
Like waves kissing the shore.
Salt purifies my soul,
Sand supports my steps,
I'm deeper than before.
Inside I am a storm,
North wind of darkness,
Exposes the hidden sore.
I need to face all my fears,
And touch the farthest memories
No way to escape anymore.
Only the ocean can calm me down,
Only the Mother can heal me now.
The Ocean Call: (Bela Síol)
I close my eyes
Walking on the sand,
The wind blows gently,
Ocean meets the land.
In a magic rhythm,
The waves come and go,
Whistling a melody,
The song of the flow.
An ancient secret,
Whispers my name,
The voice of the past,
Light up my inner flame.
The fresh breeze,
Invites me to dance,
The power curl up my body,
I dive deep in a trance.
Sweet voice,
Sings to me,
Sweet voice,
Bless me.
Powerful forces,
Heal me.
Powerful forces,
Enligthen me.
Nehalennia Chant: (Bela Síol)
Nehalennia, lady of the death,
Accompanied by the dog,
Your sweet loyal friend,
The afterlife guide,
Helping souls to transcend.
Nehalennia, goddess of plenty,
Nehalennia, lady of wealth,
The keeper of all my goods,
Show me the right direction,
Bring me your wisdom,
Grant me your protection.
Nehalennia, the cornucopia goddess,
Nehalennia, lady of the fullness.
Prayer to Nehalennia: (Bela Síol)
The next two are translated Via Google Translate and from Portuguese - Some of the translation may not be accurate and I've never studied the language. I amalgamated what I thought looked the better translation.
Lady Nehalennia,
Be my life,
A boat in your hands,
Under your mantle and protection.
Grant me strength,
To hold the helm,
And steer my life,
By safe routes.
Grant me wisdom,
To discern the moment,
To hold or drop anchor.
May no storm,
Rob me of the pleasure of the voyage.
Allow me madam,
May I access my treasures,
And grant me riches and fulfilment.
Child of the Sea: (Bela Síol)
Child of the Sea
I am the daughter of Nehalennia;
A forged in turbulent waters,
Playing in the waves of the sea.
I am a pearl kept in a shell,
Revealing the riches of life.
I am the shining calm,
Kissed by the flaming tides,
Golden in the sun.
I am strength and endurance,
Granted by the Ocean's Guide.
I am the mystery wet with silver,
On nights with intense moonlight.
I am Nehalennia's daughter,
I am a demigoddess!
I am Your offspring and heir.
Prayer to Nehalennia:
Greetings Goddess Nehalennia,
Greetings protective Mother,
Goddess Nehalennia, who gives us fruitfulness,
Goddess Nehalennia, who give the land bountifulness,
Goddess Nehalennia, who protects the land from water,
Goddess Nehalennia, who protects people against water,
Goddess Nehalennia, who protects sailors and merchants from water,
Goddess Nehalennia, who protects trade from water,
Goddess Nehalennia, who brings prosperity through water,
Goddess Nehalennia, protecting Mother hear our prayers.
Protect us today against all dangers and grant us prosperity!
An invocation to Nehalennia:
trade, and the sea!
Lost lady of the Vanir!
Ancestor of Njord, Freyja, and Freyr!
Fair Nehalennia:
Fair Nehalennia,
You stand by the sea,
by the shore,
Friend of the sailor and the voyager,
Friend of those in need,
Your altars stood strong,
by the broad blue Rhine,
and the North Sea Coast,
Gracious Goddess,
On many stones your form was carved,
With kindly face and arms well filled,
With crusty bread and apples,
At your feet a hound of gentle mein,
In days less ancient, goddess were unknown,
Your might and goodness long forgotten,
Yet still you stood,
Still you held the sea as your own,
'Til your name came back to the world,
By wind and by rain,
Nehalennia, goddess of old, I honour you.
Prayer to Nehalennia:
Hail, Ancient mother, Goddess of the primal waters,
Goddess of ships and of abundance,
You bridge the gap between the living and the dead,
You carry offerings to the hands of our ancestors,
You carry our prayers to the ears of our honoured dead,
You are goddess of life and death,
And all passages are aided by your nourishing hands,
I hail you, ancient mother.
From: Exploring the Northern Tradition, by Galina Krasskova