A Book a Week Reading Challenge, 2025





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Seven Kennings Wars of Light and Shadow 1. The Curse of the Mistwraith (1993) 2. The Ships of Merior (1994) 3. Warhost of Vastmark (1995) 4. Fugitive Prince (1996) 5. Grand Conspiracy (1999) 6. Peril's Gate (2001) 7. Traitor's Knot (2004) 8. Stormed Fortress (2007) 9. Initiate's Trial (2010) 10. Destiny's Conflict (2017) 11. Song of the Mysteries (2024) Farseer 1. Assassin's Apprentice (1995) 2. Royal Assassin (1996) 3. Assassin's Quest (1997) Words Like Coins (2012) thumbthumbthumbthumb Liveship Traders 1. Ship of Magic (1998) 2. The Mad Ship (1999) 3. Ship of Destiny (2000) thumbthumbthumb Tawny Man 1. Fool's Errand (2001) 2. The Golden Fool (2002) 3. Fool's Fate (2003) thumbthumbthumb Soldier Son 1. Shaman's Crossing (2005) 2. Forest Mage (2006) 3. Renegade's Magic (2007) thumbthumbthumb Rain Wild Chronicles 1. The Dragon Keeper (2009) 2. Dragon Haven (2010) 3. City of Dragons (2012) 4. Blood of Dragons (2013) thumbthumbthumbthumb Fitz and the Fool Trilogy 1. Fool's Assassin (2014) 2. Fool's Quest (2015) 3. Assassin's Fate (2017) Wolf's Brother Tomb of Dragons Emily Wilde's Compenium of Lost Tales Firekeeper Saga 1. Through Wolf's Eyes (2001) 2. Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart (2002) 3. The Dragon of Despair (2003) 4. Wolf Captured (2004) 5. Wolf Hunting (2006) 6. Wolf's Blood (2007) 7. Wolf's Search (2019) 8. Wolf's Soul (2020) Onyx Court 1. Midnight Never Come (2008) 1.5. Deeds of Men (2009) 2. In Ashes Lie (2009) 3. A Star Shall Fall (2010) 4. With Fate Conspire (2011) Runespell 1. The Runes of War (1995) 2. The Lost Runes (1996) 3. The Runes of Sorcery (1997) thumbthumbthumb Ond 1. The Lament of Abalone (1998) 2. The Bard of Castaguard (1999) 3. Lord of Necrond (2000) thumbthumbthumb Book of Man 1. Dawn of a Dark Age (2001) 2. The Broken Chalice (2002) 3. The Allegiance of Man (2003)

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